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School Member Registration


Please select and submit your school/district. Upon submission, you will then be asked to submit your name, school email, and a password for your account.


Please note: there is no confirmation page for successful registration. Once you have submitted, you will be taken back to this page.  If you receive the error message, "Something went wrong. Please try again later." this means you have attempted to register twice and the system cannot process two requests. Please do not email asking to confirm registration. You will receive confirmation on your school's activation date OR, if you missed your school's activation date, up to five business days after registration. If you have not received confirmation on either your school's activation date or three days after registration, please reach out then. 


*PLEASE BE SURE TO RECORD YOUR PASSWORD IN A SAFE PLACE: NYC schools are experiencing issues with the password reset process and are not receiving the email to reset their password. This is an issue that must be taken care of through central DOE's email filter settings and will hopefully be cleared up soon, but in the meantime, please do all you can to not forget your password.*


Your membership will not be fully accessible until the activation date assigned to your school. If you have missed your school's deadline to register, you will have to wait up to five business days for account activation.


If you do not see your school/district as an option below, please verify with your school administrator that all paper work has been submitted for school registration to begin. Any questions, please email

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